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ARTISTdirect Give Avenged Sevenfold’s “Carry On” 4.5 Out Of 5 Stars.
September 26, 2012, 5:41 pm
Filed under: Arin Ilejay, Avenged Sevenfold, News, Reviews

ARTISTdirect have given Avenged Sevenfold’s “Carry On” for Call Of Duty: Black Ops II 4.5 out of 5 stars.

For Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Avenged Sevenfold unleash “Carry On” their catchiest anthem since “Bat Country”.

Coupling the impressive airtight riff mastery of Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance, it’s a veritable shredfest that’ll get fans of both Iron Maiden and Dream Theater to drop their jaws. These two axeman only get more precise and powerful with every successive outing, and “Carry On” upholds that tradition of six-string evolution. Johnny Christ’s bass also rumbles with visceral heft.

Meanwhile, oscillating from his unbreakable croon to a theatrical growl, M. Shadows remains one of 21st century’s most powerful and pummeling voices. He elevates the song to heights commensurate with the best fare from City of Evil.

Avenged Sevenfold emerge from Nightmare with all guns blazing for Call of Duty: Black Ops II and one of their best songs yet.

25 Comments so far
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the .5 was not earned because the song is too short

Comment by Anonymous

Hahaha perfect

Comment by Anonymous

I totally agree!

Comment by Forever Avenged

This is very great :)

Comment by nilly

It’s a crime to call this one of their best songs, or amazing at all. It’s a call back to danger line on nightmare coupled with Europe’s “the final countdown” guitar solo. I know every song by them, and this is close to the least impressive.

Comment by Fan of Waking the Fallen

What are you talking about dude? This song is not only catchy, heavy, shredding, and Arin kills the drums (especially in the solo).. It is a GREAT if not PERFECT song… And if you know every song by them, you wouldn’t dare to compare this to Danger Line or the solo to The Final Countdown (??). I would actually love for you to play this PERFECTLY on guitar.. Actually, forget that, maybe you should write a song that kicks this much ass. Give the song a few more listens, and trust me, you pick up things you didn’t realize the first time you rushed to listen to it (just cause it was a new song).

Comment by Pat

Are you kidding?! I’m not trying to be mean to you, but you are the definition of a what I was talking about and a reason why people dislike A7X fans; zero sense of actual ability to judge and compare songs, or even hear any criticism about the band.

Comment by Mike

Agreed Mike.

Comment by Anonymous

I agree with you Fan of Waking the Fallen. I feel like sometimes you just can’t say that every song Avenged Sevenfold will write is just ABSOLUTELY perfect. I understand that we are all extreme A7x fans here, but I think we should grasp that. Every fan has their own age, background and history with A7x which makes everyone’s opinions completely different. Example: I’ve been a crazy A7x fan since ’04 and seen all the changes (there’s been several times where it seriously hurt to see those changes). I was seriously almost just a little kid at that time and until Nightmare came out, I was just like most of you guys, guarding them and protecting them and worshiping them with all my heart and strength and wouldn’t take any crap from anybody. I feel that now, as I have gotten much older from 2004, I have a COMPLETELY different view of Avenged and I now am just grateful that they are still even playing in a band. Now whereas a young A7x fan came into the picture at around the Self-TItlred album or Nightmare, they’re exactly in that feel that I used to be in. (protective etc.) Most of them are young as well and don’t really understand much of Waking the Fallen and City of Evil. (Now don’t tell me that you’re a 40 year old guy who just started listening to Avenged or anything similar or along those lines to that lol.)

It’s amazing to see how far A7x has gone and the broad ranges of age and background and I feel for them that it is a little difficult to please ALL the fans from the Waking the Fallen days to just their recent Nightmare album.

But you know what? I love these guys, and I think they are very, very talented at what they do. I can’t wait for the album (in the back of my mind I hope it’s just like CoE!!!) and i feel almost the exact same excitement for this album just like when I was little waiting for City of Evil to come out :)

Comment by Kaylee

Well stated Kaylee. Avenged fans are nothing if not remarkably passionate and sometimes that leads to backlash of those who do not love everything put out by the band. I am a seriously hardcore Avenged fan but I can agree that Carry On is not one of my favs. I do appreciate the amazing riffs and drumming on it but overall it’s just not doing it for me but I totally respect everyone’s own opinion. I can’t wait for a new album to come out and have no doubt it will be awesome!

Comment by Kelly

Also massive a7x fan, but not a huge fan of this song.The vocals kill it for me. not that they are bad its just too generic and forgettable

Comment by zach

On the contrary i think the vocals are one of the best aspect of the song. I think Shadows mastered his vocal ability. I agree, this song is nowhere near their best. Nevertheless its still a great track to listen to. As for the comment about overprotective A7X fans, i get what you mean. I use to want to fight people who bashed the band. Then i broadened my musical horizons, and now A7X is in tight competition with Of Mice & Men to be my #1 favorite band.

Comment by Anonymous

Like what you like its music, no ones’ opinion is wrong or right. We all like this band and that’s why we are on the site. Who cares?

Comment by Brad

I will both disagree with you and agree with you all in one. As for this being their best song, that’s where we agree. Not Ready To Die was better than this one, although this one is nowhere near their least impressive. I completely disagree with your comparisons.

Comment by shiftierest

Nice review…but they forgot to mention the drumming! Arin did a great job on the drums!!! Nice song guys!!!

Comment by Forever Avenged

And they failed to mention Arin. He kicked ass on those drums and that drum solo was amazing; why didn’t they review him?

Comment by aightball

Well its not really a drum solo, more of a drum fill..But other than that it fucking rocked and i his playing on the whole song was great, obviously NO ONE can replace the Rev but Arin is doing a great job and hopefully more to come from him as well as the band !!!

Comment by greatmindsDONTthinkalike

I like the song, but it’s definently not what i was expecting from Avenged. But then, what ARE we to expect from them? Their music is always transcending; I may not favor this song with all my heart but i love the solos. Arin’s doing his best to create amazing drum tracks and in my opinion is doing a pretty good job. Yes, he’s not The Rev, but no one can be. I do think the vocals are a bit strained, and the song sounded like they were kind of hurrying to get something out moreso than reviewing and revising in the studio. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m a die-hard a7x fan, foREVer and always, but i think the guys could have done better. Please dont be mad for my opinion, i just miss the Avenged Sevenfold that used to be.

Comment by ShelbyVU6661

Ok as i revise the song (which is right now) i do really like it. I take back the statement of them being rushed. Its a pretty good song, and im stoked for the new cd. lol I love it, but i still agree with what i said previously. To be a fair judge and not let my love get in the way. And in a way it is very City of Evil, just more mature.

Comment by ShelbyVU6661

The song is very catchy, the chorus is unique so is the solo. The bass was unbelievable and the drums are godlike. Just another masterpiece as all their songs, oh yeah M. Shadows killed it, he really killed i love his voice in carry on.

Comment by Moustafa Wehbe

I like the song and all…but i definitely don’t feel it’s one of their best. If it was on Nightmare, it’d probably be one of my least listened to songs. I think the only reason I’m giving it so much attention is because it was released when nothing else was going on for the band. There’s nothing about it that really stands out to me.

Comment by ZBurns

Well said

Comment by shiftierest

it’s good for what it is but it sounds very much like the prototypical Avenged song. That being said it is still above par for most bands.

Comment by Anonymous

Seems like the people who don’t like the song forgot how a7x got here. They’ve always made music that they like. Doesn’t mean you have to but maybe to them they enjoy it a lot.

Comment by Anonymous

Decent review but no comments on Arins drumming. I actually preferred the drums on this track over not ready to die. Thought Arin deserved some credit. Maybe I’m over looking it….

Comment by dcIV

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