Deathbat News

Avenged Sevenfold Fan Takes Over For Zacky V During “Second Heartbeat” In Grand Forks, ND.
December 10, 2011, 7:13 am
Filed under: Avenged Sevenfold, Fans, Live, News

Avenged Sevenfold fan Stephen planned on having a great time catching Avenged Sevenfold play in Grand Forks, ND on the “Buried Alive” tour and it turned into a night he’ll never forget. He brought along a sign that said “My wish: To play Rhythm/Harmony Guitar On Second Heartbeat With A7X” and his wish was granted. Not only did he get to do that but he stepped it up a notch and did back-up vocals as well! Stephen has been a Deathbat News reader for years so I’d like to say congrats on the accomplishment! The Grand Forks Herald wrote that the band was also quite impressed:

The band played to thousands of fans, one of which got the surprise of his life when the band read his sign and agreed to bring him on stage to play the guitar for the song “Second Heartbeat.” A young man named Stephen received cheers of support from the crowd during his performance.

“That was so good it seemed set up,” said M. Shadow, Avenged Sevenfold’s lead singer. He went on to joke that Stephen should join them for their next performance.

26 Comments so far
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I think I”d have jizzed in my pants if that happened to me, in all honesty. Achievement unlocked, life now complete

Comment by Ali Syn

Found a longer video ;)

Comment by Joanie Leduc-Chabot

Thanks Joanie!

Comment by deathbatnews

Congrats Stephen! If you ever read this, can you please share how it felt like when playing with Gates?

Comment by Carol

Hey guys! Thanks for all the positive comments! It was an unreal experience! I was completely prepared for this too haha. You guys should have seen me practicing in my bedroom all week long. I was such a dork. I knew the song already; what I was practicing most was where I would walk on stage during certain parts of the song hahaha! I had a lot of fun up there! The weird thing was the fact that I couldn’t hear ANYTHING I was playing. They didn’t give me any in-ear monitors. So I just went off the beat. I also told Zacky he could take a break because I would do his back-up vocals for him. I discovered I’m taller than Johnny Christ :P

But I think we can all agree that the best part was when Syn smacked my butt :) hahahahaha

Comment by steve

Congratulations.. you were awesome!
And yeah, I’d say Syn slapping your ass was definitely the highlight. Haha :)

Comment by Linds

You did an amazing job!!! I’m super jealous of the ass-slap from Syn btw, haha.

Comment by JaCaria

Thanks for sharing your experience!!! You were really awesome :O Great job ;) Haha yeah you know you’ve made it as a guitar player when Syn approves by slapping your butt :P

Comment by Joanie Leduc-Chabot

Hey Stephen! We briefly met before the concert when we saw you in the hallway where all the couches were and someone asked you what your sign said. Well here’s my video of you playing Second Heartbeat. You did freakin’ amazing!!! It’s a zoomed in a bit much but it definitely has its advantages like at 5:41 :D

DBN NOTE: I changed the video to the one she took.

Comment by Abby Ochoa

that was my dream… ):

Comment by Ryan Abeles (@RyanAbeles)

my wish is to play not ready to die or god hates us with them ='( too bad there not coming anywhere near jersey for a long long time

Comment by Pete Vandenberg

Welcome to family. The family of us fans that got to play on this tour :)

Comment by Jackson Stringer

A little weird all these “my dream” “my wish” is signs……. All of a sudden.

Comment by robert. Navarro.

Well obviously someone saw that dude in puerto rico get called up to the stage so they think they can too.

Comment by Tom

he got a cheeky smack on the butt from syn I saw hahah! congrats Stephen, that was amazing!

Comment by Livi

Now I need a bassist to go up there and do their thing.

Comment by Loghen

He got the friendly butt tap from syn :O lucky!

Comment by john

Hahahah Syn slapping his ass.

Comment by Linds

I actually watched this from the couch and on my phone because I’m having some problems with my eyes and couldn’t sit in front of the monitor.. I ended up getting up about an hour and a half later and watching this again just to see if I actually saw what I thought saw.. haha.

Comment by Ariane O'Leary

This is so freaking cool. The guys are too sweet. I would love to be able to sing with them on stage.

Comment by Zacorra A (@misscorrcorr)

Wow… just, wow! Absolutely the best so far.. that was impressive.. he was into it.. almost seemed like he’s been doing it with them all along!

Comment by Ariane O'Leary

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A7X are truly amazing, they just keep getting better and better and it’s so nice to see them having fun like this and showing their appreciation to their fans.

I hope they bring this tour to the UK in 2012 because I am dying to see them again. And I hope they get some english people up on stage to try their hand at playing. Having said that as much as i’d love to I can’t play for shit and I’d be terrified but i’d take my chances singing Buried Alive ;).


Comment by Ash

hahaha that is so awesome lol nice butt slap from Syn! Must’ve been a dream some true. ^^ :P

Comment by SHELBY

yeah so awesome, so lucky that guy

Comment by isnahanerjr

slap from syn ! haha

Comment by isnahanerjr

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